Windows 11 Not work on Low-end PC | पुराने कंप्यूटर पर Windows 11 काम नह...


Here is the short news for your windows 11 not giving support for legacy bios based computer that might a piece of bad news for users like me who have a low-end computer you can watch my dedicated video on that

So It means you cannot use windows 11 on your old pc 

Windows 11 System Requirements For Desktop, PC

  • Memory (HDD/SSD): 64 GB Hard disk space.
  • Memory RAM: 1 GB (For 32 Bit) and 2 GB (For 64 Bit)
  • 1 GHz processor or 2.0 GHz Single processor (Intel / AMD)
  • 1024×768 resolution
  • No Legacy Bios Support Only (UEFI)
  • TPM 2.0


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